Docklite, Dockunder and Cradle are different docks that can be connected to our laptops, tablets and handhelds, offering multiple IO ports for convenient connection possibilities, such as connecting additional USB devices.

Example of a Docklite with multiple IO Ports:
- Serial Port DB9 x 1
- USB 2.0 x 2
- VGA DB15 x 1
- DC-In x 1
- MLAN RJ45 x 1
- GPS Antenna Connector (SMA) x 1

Example of a Dockunder with multiple IO Ports:
- Serial Port DB9 x 2
- USB 2.0 x 1
- USB 3.0 x 1
- VGA x 1
- MLAN x 1
- GLAN x 1

Example of a Cradle with multiple IO Ports:
- Serial Port DB9 x 1
- VGA DB15 x 1
- MLAN x 1
- USB 2.0 x 3
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